Sunday, June 22, 2008

A couple of First today......and some other stuff

This is out of order the first five pictures of of some things this week. the second set of five are from today and his "first" stuff.

Grayson being silly with Bairds sunglasses

Grayson and Baird having there last lunch together. Baird PCSed this week

Grayson shooting hoops

Grayson playing in the gardens at Waterloo Farm

Grayson with his "peeps" together again. Jen just got back from deployment

The first
Grayson flying a kite and loving it!!

Grayson at his first movie "Kung Fu Panda" a little violent I thought for a kids movie but he handled it.

playing at the park


Susie H said...

Kite flying - that's a wonderful first! As always, great pictures of your bunny :)

Anonymous said...

Great pictures, as always! :)

Mason loved Kung Fu Panda...he keeps asking to watch it again.