Monday, October 24, 2005

Busy Week

Hey everyone,
Sorry it has been a while since I updated. We have been to busy. We are still trying to get our orders so we can get movers and it is pulling teeth every step of the way. Anyway, we went to Ava Schultz 3rd birthday party on Saturday. Everyone had a lot of fun and even

Grayson got to get some candy from the pinyata (misspelled). Grayson has now started to eat cheerios. He loves them as you can see.

And we were trying on Grayson's winter coat since the temp. dropped to freezing here. We think the coat my still be a little big. Might have to find a 18 month instead of a 24 for the time being. Wonder what the weather is like in England. Guess we will find out soon.

I wont be able to update for a while. We are going on Vacation for two weeks. I will update when I get back but after that it will be a long time because it will have to wait until England and we have to wait for our stuff. I will be sending out new info very soon. Hopefully by Wednesday.


Anonymous said...

now that is a good looking coat for a good looking kid :~)
nana and pop

Anonymous said...

Love Mr. Grayson all bundled cute!

I will e-mail you my phone me when you get to this side. ;)