Monday, February 02, 2009

Yeah I am not very good at keeping this up....

So I am trying to do better, but having even a part time job and no house of your own makes it hard to do the things you used commenting and even looking at other friends blogs. I swear I still look. just haven't had time to comment. We are in the process of buying our first home. It's an awesome townhouse that like four of our houses in England could fit in. We really hope it works out. The Seller accepted our offer but we are waiting on hearing back from her bank because it is a short sale and she is in the beginnings of foreclosure. Wish us look. Ben is liking his job with Argon ST so far but the FBI came a callin again so he is in the middle of that also. Grayson just spent two weeks in FL with his grandparents while Ben worked and I played in Omaha lol Here are some pictures enjoy.

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