Tuesday, December 18, 2007

Waiting sucks!!

So Ben's deployment rotation ended on the 15th but we still haven't gotten any word as to when we can expect him home. It is such a bummer sometimes. But Grayson and I are keeping busy. Painting, baking, finger painting (a huge thing for Grayson because he can't stand to have anything on his hands) and cutting paper gluing it down. Actually Grayson just likes to smear glue all over the paper he could really care less about the rest.....lol We have had picnic's in the living room (to cold outside) and feeding the ducks in the park. (still to cold for that to but hey whatever works right?) Well keep your fingers crossed that we hear something from Ben soon.


Susie H said...

That's one busy little man! Way to go keeping him occupied these last few days...love the Xmas tree cakes!

Anonymous said...

Waiting does suck!!

Hope Ben comes home soon!