Grayson had to get his hair cut and you would swear we were cutting off his ears the way he screams and carries on. But he looks very handsome after he gets it done.
So Ben's deployment rotation ended on the 15th but we still haven't gotten any word as to when we can expect him home. It is such a bummer sometimes. But Grayson and I are keeping busy. Painting, baking, finger painting (a huge thing for Grayson because he can't stand to have anything on his hands) and cutting paper gluing it down. Actually Grayson just likes to smear glue all over the paper he could really care less about the We have had picnic's in the living room (to cold outside) and feeding the ducks in the park. (still to cold for that to but hey whatever works right?) Well keep your fingers crossed that we hear something from Ben soon.
Grayson was excited to play in the new luggage we got yesterday. He stayed in it forever. He was happy and content in there as long as he has his milk, flashlight, and camera in there with him. Tell me again why we are playing $800 for a seat on a plane for him? =)
This past weekend Grayson and I and some friends went to a Christmas tree farm. Grayson got see Santa and give him "five" and listen to story telling and see reindeer, and get a Christmas tree sapling from Santa himself. It was a good time even though it was raining the whole time. I have started wrapping Christmas gifts so that is fun. I finally thought of the prefect gift for one of Grayson's friends and well of course it is on Backorder until Feb 08. Bummer.
Grayson had his Go Diego Go birthday party today, and Had a great day!! He love playing with all his friends and running around. It was a great party and Grayson was worn out by the time his head hit the pillow tonight.